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Part A. Personal Information


ID number 47653093Z Gender Male Age 36

Researcher numbers

WoS Researcher ID C-7026-2008

SCOPUS Author ID 21733473300

ORCID 0000-0001-7055-5499

A.1. Current position


Department Department of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering

Address and Country C\ Martí i Franquès 1, Planta 2

Phone number 934039159 E-mail dprades@el.ub.edu

Current position Tenured Professor From 21/12/2014

UNESCO Codes 220300-Electronics / 331200-Materials technology

Key Words Nano Materials, Nano Electronics, Nano Devices, Sensors

A.2. Education

Degree University Year

Degree in Physics Universitat de Barcelona 2005

Degree in Electronic Engineering Universitat de Barcelona 2009

Master in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Universitat de Barcelona 2007

Master in University Teaching Universitat de Barcelona 2011

Doctor in Nanosciences Universitat de Barcelona 2009

A.3. Indicators of Quality in Scientific Production

• 5 PhD Thesis Supervised

• Q1 papers in international peer-reviewed JCR journals, all Q1,D1

• Citations > 2100 (Google Scholar) / 2000 (ISI WoK, SCOPUS)

• Average IF = 5.7

• H-index = 27 (Google Scholar) / 25 (ISI WoK, SCOPUS)

• Contributions to conferences >200 (20 invited talks)

• 8 Patents

• 8 Projects Coordinated (4 European)

• 3 Start-ups founded

• 4.5 million € funding raised

Part B. Free Summary of CV

Dr. Juan Daniel Prades García (Barcelona, 1982) is Doctor in Nanoscience (2



2009) by the University of Barcelona. His Ph.D Thesis, entitled 'Modelling of the Chemical 

and Light Interactions in Individual Metal Oxide Nanowires for Sensing Applications' and 

carried out under the supervision of Dr. Albert Cirera, was qualified cum laude and was 

awarded with the Honors Doctorate by the University of Barcelona.

In 2009, he started his postdoctoral activity in the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research 

(IREC), where he was hired as a postdoctoral researcher. This contract finished in 2010 

when he won a position as a Lecturer Professor for 5 years at the Department of Electronics 

of the University of Barcelona in public open competition. Since, December 2014, he is 

appointed as tenured Associate Professor at the same institution (Professor Agregat Serra 

Húnter). He has independently supervised 25 Degree and Master Theses, as well as 

Doctorate Theses (Dr. Carlos López Gandara, Dr. Núria García, Dr. Martin Hoffmann, Dr. 

Sergio Illera, Dr. Oriol Monereo). Currently, he personally supervises the work of 3 more 

Ph.D students.

Since 2007, he has published 80 articles in international, peer-reviewed, journals. 60 of 

these papers correspond to original, independent research activities carried out during his 

postdoctoral period. Overall, his published work has received more than 2000 citations and 

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Short CV

his h-index is currently 25 (source ISI WoK). Additionally, he has co-authored 10 book 

chapters and more than 200 contributions to conferences, with 20 invited talks in 

international conferences. He serves as regular reviewer for the Spanish, Germany, Swiss, 

Polish Science Foundations, as well as for the European Comission and a number of 

peer-reviewed specialized Journals.

Along his career he has participated in 7 European Projects and in more than 15 National 

Projects. As for the research management, he has been Principal Investigator in 5 R&D 

Contracts with the industry, device development, smart system integration and 

environmental monitoring, and in 4 Spanish Projects funded in competitive calls. He is also 

serving as coordinator in 4 European Projects: ERC Starting Grant (2014), ERC Proof of 

Concept (2016), FET Open (2017) and Eureka-Eurostars (2017). In his short career, he 

independently obtained and managed about 4.5M€ research funding.

In parallel, he has also carried out technology transfer activities with the industry, 

participating in 10 R&D contracts. He holds the co-authorship of 8 Patents, transferred and 

extended to several European countries. He has also funded 3 spin-off companies

“Electronic Nanosystems” (2008), awarded with the prestigious Solvay Prize 2008. Since 

2015, he participates in the foundation and development of a transnational start-up between 

Germany and Spain: “SuperLight Photonix”. Currently, he is initiating a new start-up project 

in Spain with “FoodSensing”, devoted to smart packaging for food processing efficiency, 

quality, and safety. His valorization and technology transfer activities have been recognized 

with the VALORTEC Prize of the Regional Government of Catalonia.

He has carried out 10 stays abroad (more than 1 month each) in laboratories all over 

Europe (Germany, Italy, France, Poland) with the support of competitive grants (Spanish: 

José Castillejos, ACCIÓ Mobilitat de Professorat; German: DAAD, Humboldt Foundation, 

Mercator Professorship, European: COST Action Grants, Marie Courie Short Stays). He 

carries out his research in close collaboration with the Braunschweig University of 

Technology (Germany), where he expends more than 20% of his working time, yearly. He is 

the EuroSensors Fellow 2017, the most prestigious award within the European community 

of academics and companies working on sensor technology.

As a member of the Department of Engineering: Electronics Division, he is ascribed to the 

Group of Micro-Nanotechnologies and Nanoscopies for Electron and Optoelectronic Devices 

(MIND), in which he leads the research in design, fabrication, and characterization of 

optoelectronic nanomaterials for energy efficient devices and sensors. The research of 

his current work-group, formed by 2 postdoctoral researchers and 4 Ph.D students.

Part C. Relevant accomplishments

C.1. Publications (including books)

A full record of publications can be found elsewhere http://bit.do/dprades

C.2. Coordinated Research Projects and Grants

ID: Grant no. 336917

Title: Nanodevice Engineering for a Better Chemical Gas Sensing Technology 


Agency/Call: European Commission, FP7, ERC Starting Grant

PI: J. Daniel Prades (Universitat de Barcelona)

Duration: 01/02/2014 – 31/01/2019 Budget: 1.480.000€

Role: European project coordinator

ID: Grant no. 727297

Title: Making Complex Gas Analytics Friendly and Available ASAP (GasApp)

Agency/Call: European Commission, H2020, ERC Proof of Concept

PI: J. Daniel Prades (Universitat de Barcelona)

Duration: 01/01/2017 – 30/06/2018 Budget: 148.000€

Role: European project coordinator

ID: Grant no. 7370893 of 4

Short CV

Title: Overcoming the Limits of Diffraction with Super-Resolution Lighting on a Chip 


Agency/Call: European Commission, H2020, FET-Open

PI: Ángel Diéguez / J. Daniel Prades (Universitat de Barcelona)

Duration: 01/01/2017 – 31/12/2020 Budget: 950.000€

Role: European project co-coordinator

ID: 2016 PROD 000036

Title: A Software-as-a-Services platform for automated color recognition (ColorChecker) 

Agency/Call: Generalitat de Catalunya, ACCIÓ, Producte

PI: J. Daniel Prades (Universitat de Barcelona)

Duration: 31/11/2017 – 31/11/2019 Budget: 100.000€

Role: Project coordinator

ID: E!11453/17/Q

Title: A smartphone-based dosimeter of the exposure to toxic gases (SnapGas) 

Agency/Call: European Commission, H2020, Eureka Eurostars

PI: J. Daniel Prades (Universitat de Barcelona)

Duration: 25/07/2017 – 24/07/2018 Budget: 65.000€

Role: Partner coordinator

ID: IPT-2011-1055-900000

Title: Sistemas de detección y cuantificación de biomarcadores de la Enfermedad de 


Agency/Call: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, INNPACTO

PI: J. Daniel Prades (Universitat de Barcelona)

Duration: 04/05/2011 – 31/12/2014 Budget: 128.000€

Role: Partner coordinator

ID: VALTEC09-2-0053

Title: Xarxa de Nanosensors de Gas Autònoms (XaNaGAuto)

Agency/Call: Generalitat de Catalunya, ACCIÓ, VALTEC 

PI: J. Daniel Prades (Universitat de Barcelona)

Duration: 2010 – 2011 Budget: 100.000€

Role: Project coordinator

ID: TECSPR15-1-0001

Title: MicroLEDs for Fluorescence in Endoscopic Diagnosis (InnerLight)

Agency/Call: Generalitat de Catalunya, ACCIÓ, TecnioSpring 

PI: J. Daniel Prades (Universitat de Barcelona)

Duration: 2016 – 2018 Budget: 101.300€

Role: Project coordinator

C.3. Main Contracts with Industry

Title: Corrección Cromática de Imágenes Médicas Mediante Visión por Computadors 

Company: Banco Bilbao Vizcaya – Programa Leonardo, S.A.U. (FAE) 

PI: J. Daniel Prades (Universitat de Barcelona)

Duration: 2017 – 2019

Budget: 35.000€

Title: SuperLight Photonix

Company: Photonik Inkubator GmbH (Niedersachsen)

PI: Andreas Waag (TU Braunschweig), J. Daniel Prades (Universitat de Barcelona)

Duration: 2016 – 2018

Budget: 1.200.000€

Title: Sistema de mesura elèctrica d'alta impedància

Company: Francisco Alberto Electrónica, S.A.U. (FAE) 

PI: J. Daniel Prades (Universitat de Barcelona)

Duration: 2009 – 2010

Budget: 19.500€

Title: Detecció i identificació de gasos tòxicsShort CV

Company: Gometrics S.L.

PI: J. Daniel Prades (Universitat de Barcelona)

Duration: 2012 – 2013

Budget: 20.400€

Title: Assessorament en temes de Xarxes de sensors sense fils

Company: Worldsensing S.L.

PI: J. Daniel Prades (Universitat de Barcelona)

Duration: 2010 – 2014

Budget: 19.000€

C.4. Patents

Inventor/s: Hernandez-Ramirez, F.; Prades, J.D.; Morante, J.R.; Cirera, A.; Romano-Rodríguez, A.

Title: Sensor para gases energéticamente eficiente, red de sensores y procedimiento de medida 

empleando dicho sensor

Application number: P200900334 First priority country: SPAIN Date of priority: 2009

Main institution: Electronic Nanosystems, SL

Inventor/s: Prades, J.D.; Hernandez-Ramirez, F.; Morante, J.R.; Cirera, A.; Romano-Rodríguez, A.

Title: Sensor fotoactivado de la concentración de un gas, red de sensores y procedimiento de 

medida de la concentración a partir de dichos sensores

Application number: P200930050 First priority country: SPAIN Date of priority: 2009

Main institution: Electronic Nanosystems, SL

Inventor/s: Prades, J.D.; Hernandez-Ramirez, F.; Morante, J.R.;

Title: Procedimiento de medida de las concentraciones de monóxido de carbono y humedad en un 

gas y sensor basado en nanoestructuras para llevarlo a cabo

Application number: P201030102 First priority country: SPAIN Date of priority: 2010

Main institution: Departament d'Electrònica, Universitat de Barcelona

Inventor/s: Prades, J.D.; Hernandez-Ramirez, F.; Cirera, A.; Romano-Rodríguez A.; Morante, J.R.

Title: Gas sensor, equipped with threadlike nanostructures, network of sensors and measurement 

method using said sensor (PCT num. PCT/EP2010/051206)

Application number: P24696PCES First priority country: SPAIN Date of priority: 2010

Main institution: Departament d'Electrònica, Universitat de Barcelona

Inventor/s: Shen, H.; Mathur, S.; Hoffmann, M.; Gad, A.; Prades, J.D.; Hernandez-Ramirez, F.;

Title: Fluid Detector and Method for Detecting Fluids

Application number: EP11179783.3 First priority country: GERMANY 

Date of priority: 2011

Main institution: Universität zu Köln

Inventor/s: Hoffmann, M.; Waag, A.; Prades, J.D.

Title: Light emitting device, optical detection device, its method for operating and computer program

Application number: EP15175671.5 First priority country: EUROPEAN UNION 

Date of priority: 05/07/2015

Main institution: TU Braunscwheig / Universitat de Barcelona

Inventor/s: Benito, I.; Casals, O.; Fàbrega, C.; Waag, A.; Prades, J.D.

Title: An automated method for color colibration and correction

Application number: EP17213154.3 First priority country: EU Date of priority: 31/08/2017

Main institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Inventor/s: Casals, O.; Alonso, O.; Waag, A.; Prades, J.D.

Title: Light emitting device with self-regulation for sensing applications

Application number: EP17222121.5 First priority country: EU Date of priority: 31/08/2017

Main institution: TU Braunschweig / Universitat de Barcelona

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