BAI Lu 白路

The publisher:管理员Delivery time:2020-03-12Views:86

Bai Lu

Associate Professor

Independent curator



Prof.Bai Lu received her doctorate degree from Nankai university .Her field of specialization is art history and arts review with a particular focus on Chinese traditional aesthetic culture. She has published books and articles on Chinese painting ,calligraphy ,fashion design, as well as on topics such as Chinese handicrafts, and contemporary artists.

Prof.Bai Lu held the chair of handicrafts aesthetics committee of Tianjin aesthetics society. She is the director of Tianjin sinology research association, expert of Tianjin women's federation think tank, and part-time researcher of gender and social development research center of Tianjin Normal University.

Main courses:

Arts review

Aesthetic culture

Research fields:

The art of Chinese calligraphy

Popular culture