Prof , Supervisor of Ph.D Student
Head of Chemical Engineering Department
Prof. Tan received his PhD from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1995. Prior to his present appointment, he worked as a professor of Chemical Engineering at Shandong University of Technology till to 2009. He is currently carrying out researches at TJPU in the preparation and characterization of organic and inorganic (ceramics, perovskites, metals and zeolites) hollow fibre membranes, fluid separations using membranes, membrane reactors for energy application and CO2 capture, and solid oxide fuel cells.
Prof. Tan is/was also a Special Term Professor of Tianjin City (2010-2014), a visiting professor inUniversite de Sherbrooke, Canada (2003), and a Fellowship of Royal Academy of Engineering, UK (2012). He has published over 160 research papers in international referred journals, holds more than 30 patents and is the author of a book in the area of membrane reactors. Nowadays he serves as an as an editorial board member of Journal of Membrane and Separation Technology.