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Professor,Doctoral Supervisor

Principal Assistant of the University President, Dean of the Graduate School,Tianjin Polytechnic University


Tel: +86-22-83955013(o)

Fax: +86-22-83955013




1981-1985 Bachelor of Engineering

Majored in Polymer Chemical Engineering in Tianjin University, China

1985-1988 Master of Engineering

Majored in Materials Science and Engineering in Tianjin University, China

1996-1999 PhD,

Majored in Biopolymer Science in Hokkaido University,Japan



Professional Experience


1988-1995 Teacher

Tianjin Polytechnic University, China

1995-1996 Visiting Fellow in Division of Biological Sciences,

Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University,Japan

1999-2000 Research Associate Professor

Division of Biological Sciences, GraduateSchool of Science,

Hokkaido University, Japan

2000-2001 Research Associate Professor

Professor (2001 - now )

in Tianjin Polytechnic University, China



Current research interests


♣ Biopolymer materials

♣ Intelligent materials

♣ Polymer membranes

♣ Polymer hydrogels


Teaching Courses


♣ Polymer chemistry

♣ Intelligent materials

♣ Membrane separation technology

♣ Progress in Materials Science


Main Research Projects


♣ National Natural Science Foundation of China: 4 projects(finished)

♣ The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863 Program): 1 project(finished)

♣ Tianjin Municipal Natural Science Foundation: 3 projects(finished)

♣ The Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry: 1 project(finished)

♣ Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education,State Education Ministry: 1project(finished)

♣ Tianjin City High School Science & Technology Fund Planning Project: 3 projects(finished)

♣ National Natural Science Foundation of China: 2 projects(ongoing)

♣ Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education,State Education Ministry: 1 project (ongoing)



Scientific Research Achievements


♣Published more than 100 scientific research papers indexed by SCI

♣Have applied for one international patent and 25 national patents, among which 12 have been authorized

♣Finished 2 monographs as chief editor

♣Awarded the second place twice by Chinese Textile Industry Federation for the Science and Technology Prize in 2007 and 2012

♣Awarded third place by Tianjin Science and Technology Committee for the Technological Invention Prize once in 2007

♣Awarded first place by Hongkong Sangma Foundation for the Textiles Technology Prize in 2008


Selected Publications

1.Xiang Shen, Yiping Zhao and Li Chen, The construction of a zwitterionic PVDF membrane surface to improve biofouling resistance, Biofouling, 2013, 29(8): 991–1003.

2.N. Yang, M.K. Yang, S.X. Bi, L. Chen, Z.Y. Zhu, Y.T. Gao, Z. Du, Cells behaviors and genotoxicity on topological surface, Materials Science and Engineering C, 2013, 33: 3465–3473.

3.Xiang Shen, Yiping Zhao, Xia Feng, Sixin Bi, Wenbin Ding and Li Chen, Improved antifouling properties of PVDF membranes modified with oppositely charged copolymer,Biofouling, 2013,29(3): 331–343.

4.Fanyong Yan, Donglei Cao, Ning Yang, Qiuhua Yu, Meng Wang, Li Chen. A selective turn-on fluorescent chemosensor based on rhodamine for Hg2+ and its application in live cell imaging. Sensors and Actuators B-CHEMICAL, 2012, 162(1): 313-320.

5.Ning Yang, Li Chen, Miao-kun Yang, Si-xin Bi, Xiao-ling He, Zheng-yan Zhu, Mei-li Yu. In vitro study of the internations of galactosylated thermo-responsive hydrogels. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2012, 88(2):509-516.

6.Jin-yan Wang, Fei Xiao, Yi-ping Zhao, Li Chen, Rui Zhang, Gang Guo. Cell proliferation and the thermally induced cell detchment of galactosylated thermo-responsive hydrogels.Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010, 82(3): 578–584.

7.Xiao-Ling He, Ping-Ping Nie, Yan-Kai Sun, Li Chen. Immobilization of galactose ligands on thermoresponsive culture surface and its influence on cell adhesion/detachment. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2010,350(2):471-479.
8.Jing Dong, Li Chen, Yamei Ding, Weijun Han, “Swelling and Mechanical Properties of Temperature-sensitive Dextran Hydrogel and Its Bioseparation Applications”, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2005, 206:1973-1980.

9.Li Chen, Jianping Gong, Yoshihito Osada, “Novel Thermosensitive IPN Hydrogel having a phase transition without volume change”, Macromolecular Rapid Communications,2002, 23:171-174.

10.Li Chen, Byoung Suhk Kim, Masahiko Nishino, Jian Ping Gong, and Yoshihito Osada, Environmental Responses of Polythiophene Hydrogel, Macromolecules,2000, 33: 1232-1236.