LIU Juncheng刘俊成

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LIU Juncheng
Dr., Prof.
Director of Institute of Inorganic Functional Materials








Prof. Juncheng LIU: Ph. Doctor, Northwestern Polytechnic University; Post Doctor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Visiting Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago; Outstanding Professor, Tianjin Colleges and Universities.   
In the last ten years, five projects was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, three of them had been accomplished. More than 90 papers have been published on journals. 7 invention patents have been granted. Three awards have been granted by a Province Government or a National Ministry.


Research Interests


Crystal growth and solidification technology; Optoelectronic materials and devices; Advanced ceramics; Convection, heat and mass transfer.


Teaching Activities:


Advanced Inorganic Materials; Crystal Growth; Solidification Theory; Ceramic Material Science;Semiconductor device physics.


Selected Publications (Corresponding author or first author)


(1) Sol-Gel Preprration and Up-conversion Luminescence Properties of Er3+-Yb3+ Co-doped TiO2 Films, Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2012, 33(9): 1006-1011  SCI: 13586872,   EI: 20124415622662
(2) Improved efficiency of organic solar cells with modified hole-extraction layers. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 2012, 50(2): 125-128   SCI: 869GS
(3) Effects  of  pore  formers  on  microstructure  and  performance  of  cathode membranes  for  solid  oxide fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196: 9975–9979   SCI: 837PV
(4) On the mechanism of conductivity enhancement in PEDOT/PSS film doped with sorbitol.  2011, e-Polymers, 4:1-8   SCI: 751RC
(5) Nanocomposite hole-extraction layers for organic solar cells, International Journal of Photoenergy, 2011, 392832:1-5  SCI: 706XS
(6) Influence of PEDOT:PSS film doped with sorbitol on performance of organic solar cells. Acta Phys. Sin, 2011, 60: 078803-1-6   SCI: 800MZ
(7) On the mechanism of conductivity enhancement in PEDOT/PSS film doped with multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal of polymer research, 2010, 17: 713-718  SCI: 634HS
(8) ACRT forced convection and its effects on solute segregation and heat and mass transfer during single crystal growth Process. Crystal Research and Technology, 2008, 43(4):396-408   SCI: 290GF
(9) Numerical simulation of the thermal stress field during vertical Bridgman CdZnTe single crystal growth. J. Korean Phys. So., 2008, 53(5):2989-2995       SCI: 372XH
(10) Investigation of artificial forced cooling in the Bridgman crystal growth of cadmium zinc telluride. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2007,36(8):971-980    SCI: 207MK