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Associate Professor

Fax: +86-22-58685358



Ze Wang received the BE degree and the ME degree both from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, in 1998 and 2001 respectively, and the PhD degree in computer applications technology from Northeastern University, China, in 2004. He has been a visiting scholar in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore in 2011. He has been an associate professor in the School of Computer Science and Software at Tiangong University in China since November 2006. He has been the head of Department of Network Engineering in the School of Computer Science and Software at Tiangong University in China since July 2011. His primary research interests include network security, mobile computing and distributed systems. He is the member of ACM and CCF.


Computer Networks
Operating Systems
Information Security Technologies


Selected Publications:
1. Wang Ze, Wang Yunlong, Ma Maode, Wu Jigang. Efficient localization for mobile sensor networks based on constraint rules optimized Monte Carlo method[J]. Computer Networks. 2013, 57(14): 2788-2801. (SCI:219ME)
2. Wang Ze, Ma Maode, Wu Jigang. Securing wireless mesh networks in a unified security framework with corruption-resilience[J]. Computer Networks. 2012, 56(12): 2981-2993. (SCI: 980FT)
3. Wang Ze, Li Lu, Wu Jigang, Zou Wei. An Efficient Certificateless Key Management Scheme in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks[J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems. 2013, 9(12):4787-4794. (EI: 20133016534036)
4. Wang Ze, Ma Maode. A Collusion-Resilient Self-healing Key Distribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks[C]. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2012). 2012: 566-570. (EI: 20130215893445)
5. Wang Ze, Ma Maode, Liu Wenju and Wei Xixi. A Unified Security Framework for Multi-domain Wireless Mesh Networks Lecture Notes in Computer Science[C]. The 13th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS2011). 2011, 7043: 319-329. (EI:20114614522494)