Download:Application Form.xlsx or
Application Form.pdf
Step One: Apply online
All applicants (Except application for CSC scholarship university program ) are required to apply in TJPU online application system Firstly you need to refer to the required application documents attached to the above downloadable Application form and upload the complete, valid documents in online system.
1.No need to submit above Application form if you applied online.
2.Username and password to log in the online system are case sensitive.
3.If you are applicants from partner university/institution, you may need to check with teacher of partner university/institution for the specified documents requirements before you apply online
Step Two: Documents Checking and interview through Wechat App.
For applicants examined/interviewed as qualified to admit to study in TJPU shall be asked to transfer registration fee RMB500(or USD100) , and tuition fee of first semester if applicable, to university account and then shall be issued with Letter of Admission and JW202 Form.
Step Three: Physical Examination
Every student who has received the JW202 Form needs to take a medical examination at a public hospital in your home-country according to the inspection items on the form of Physical Examination Record for Foreigner provided by our school.
Step Four: Visa Application
With our university’s admission letter, your passport, JW202 Form and Physical Examination Record for Foreigner, you can apply for an X visa at the Chinese Embassy in your country.
Step Five: Inform Us and Apply for a pick-up Service at the Airport
To arrange your accommodation, please inform us of your arrival time one week in advance. If the pick-up service is required, please notify us once you know the flight information. All relevant expenses are supposed to be borne by yourselves. Or check this How to Arrive for self arranged individual arrival student.
Step Six: Registration
You need to register at the School of International Education of Tianjin Polytechnic University within 72 hours after your arrival. Upon registration, you need to pay all the relevant fees (for cost of study in TJPU click ) and submit your passport, Admission Letter, JW202 Form, Physical Examination Record for Foreigner as well as 4 passport size photos.