Xiaohu Li
He came from mountainous rural area and knows profoundly that education is the essential way to be away from poverty, although without high income and privilege, he hated to see the poverty cycle hometown children may falls in because of lack of chance to go to school, he is willing to open an window for them , he is willing to give them hope. He is Xiaohu Li, our alumni graduate from Industry and International Trade specialty of TJPU in 1998, the manager of Shanghai international trade department of Jiangsu Zhenyang Group.
Xiaohu Li has passionate in Student Aid for ten years, he raise money around 20,0000 Yuan to aid more than 100 students financially,among them 15 students being admitted by universities, 30 students went to high schools, four aided undergraduate student came from one family. Meanwhile, he established contact with many compassion public figures in helping financially strapped high school students, totally provide finance aid 100,000 Yuan.