JIANG Xiuming蒋秀明

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JIANG Xiuming  

Professor / master tutor

Office telephone:+86-22-83955334
Fax:+86-22-83955258 (acknowledgement)
email: jxjxm@163.com

Education background:                                                                      
July, 1984 - March 1997 Tianjin textile engineering postgraduate
September 1978 - July 1982 Tianjin textile engineering undergraduates


Work experience:                                                                     
October 1999 - present Professor of tianjin polytechnic university
July 1982 - October 1999 Tianjin industry university associate professor, lecturer


Research areas:                                                                  
1. Textile machinery design and automation
2. Mechanical design and theory


The main courses taught:                                                            
Undergraduate courses: institutional analysis and design
Postgraduate course: modeling and simulation of textile machinery
Doctoral courses: modern mechanical and electrical systems engineering


The main academic achievements, awards and honors:
1. In 2012, the China textile federation of scientific and technological progress second prize: strong alkali concentration on-line detection and automatic mixed fluid control technology;
2.ranked first in 2010, the China federation of textile science and technology progress third prize: yarn quality on-line detection device; Top;
3. 2011, tianjin science and technology progress second prize: nonwovens ultrasonic composite, embossing, multi-function equipment development and application of fused edge; Second
4. 2013, tianjin science and technology progress third prize: strong alkali concentration on-line detection and automatic mixed fluid control technology; No. 1


Teaching and scientific research projects:
1. The key project of national science and technology support plan (project number: 2011 baf08b02) : carbon fiber Angle of multilayer couplet weaving equipment and technology; Start-stop years: in October 2010 - September 2013; Project director
2. The national 973 plan project (project number: 2010 cb334711) : fiber based on multi-source information fusion and enhanced carbon fiber dynamic on-line detection technology basic research; Start-stop years: in April 2010 - August 2012; Project director
3. Tianjin science and technology support plan key projects (project number: 09 zckfsh02000) : textile printing and dyeing industrial effluent recycling heat energy comprehensive utilization of automation and device; Start-stop years: in March, 2009 - March 2012; The project leader)
4. China textile industry association application infrastructure projects: combing process simulation analysis and combing machine digital design research; Start-stop years: in November 2012 - June 2014; Project leader
5. The national natural science fund project (project number: 51205288) : based on the information flow, yarn defects series and foreign prime detection algorithm research of the opposite sex fibers; Start-stop time: January 2013 - December 2015; Second
6. Tianjin natural science fund project (project number: 13 jcybjc15900) : based on the yarn defects series and foreign prime number of the opposite sex fiber detection algorithm research; Start-stop time: January 2013 - December 2015; The second)


Published articles, monographs (representative) :                                                
1. Yuan Ruwang Jiang Xiuming, Yang Gongyuan. Fiber bundle dry uneven appearance of laser measurement [J]. China laser. 2012, 33 (7) 6: P0708001-5 (EI20123715431654)
2.Li Xinrong,Jiang Xiuming,Yang Jiancheng,Wang Xiaowei. Study on flock detaching motion of a cotton comber. Journal of the Textile Institute. 2014,105(8):P789-793  (EI20142017720971)
 3.DU Yu-hong, JIANG Xiu-ming, YANG Gong-yuan. Application of Clustering Fusion on Foreign Fibers Measure-Control System. Journal of Donghua University,2010,17(4):571-577  (EI 20111013719679)
4.YANG Jian-cheng, JIANG Xiu-ming, LIU Dun-ping. A New Thread Guide Mechanism of Rubbed Roving Frame. Journal of Donghua University, 2007,24(1):118-122   (EI 20073810817353)
5.YANG Jian-cheng, JIANG Xiu-ming, LIU Dun-ping. Study of a New Drafting System of Rub bed Roving Frame. Journal of Donghua University 2006,23(3):93-96  (EI 20065110317033)
6. Yuan Ruwang Jiang Xiuming guo-qing zhou, Du Yugong. Yarn hairiness and the diameter measurement method based on the linear array. Textile journal, 2013 (8) : 132-137
7. Shi-hai zhao, Jiang Xiuming, huai, xu countries XinShaoBo, YanGuiLong, Wu Wei, GongZhiWen. Basalt fiber reinforced phenolic resin matrix friction and wear properties of friction materials. Mechanical engineering materials, 2010 (8) : 52-55
8. Shi-hai zhao, Jiang Xiuming. Machining mechanism of effect on the properties of ceramic and machinable ceramics. Mechanical engineering materials, 2006, 30 (6) : 4 to 6
9. Aldershot, Jiang Xiuming guo-qing zhou, dong-feng wu, ho fai. Loom warp tension Fuzzy - PID control and detection methods. Textile journal, 2008, 29 (10) : 105-108
10. Aldershot, Jiang Xiuming, guo-qing zhou, ho fai, dong-feng wu. Fuzzy - PID compound control in the application of the electronic let-off mechanism. Journal of textile, 2008, 29 (4) : 115-118
11. Aldershot, Jiang Xiuming, guo-qing zhou. The design of the blade guide mechanism. Journal of textile, 2006, 27 (6) : 27-31.
12. Chen Yunjun, Jiang Xiuming, Yang Gongyuan. Ye Liang winding machine tension control system modeling and design [J]. Journal of donghua university (natural science edition), 2012, 38 (4) : 443-448
13. Of Jiang Xiuming, aldershot, Wang Xiaowei. Based on the fiber fracture of cotton comber flexible combing analysis. journal of textile, 2013 (9) : 130-133
14. Guo-qing zhou, Jiang Xiuming, jian-ye zhang, Zheng Xiaochun, Guo Dongliang, Xu Guosheng. The study of high production carding machine cover-plate trailer problems [J]. Journal of textile, 2009, 30 (8) : 128-133