XUE Zhisheng 薛智胜

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XUE Zhisheng



Doctor Degree, graduated from Tianjin Normal University in July, 2007


Research Interests:
Financial Law, Commercial Law, Science and Technology Law


Courses Taught:
Commercial Law (For Undergraduates), Financial Law (For Postgraduates), Securities and Futures Law(For Postgraduates)


Main Publications:
Ⅰ. Monographs:
1. The Securities Law (Associate Editor-in-chief), China Democratic and Legal Publishing House, 2005.8
2. Securities and Futures Agency (Co-Editor), Capital University of Economics and Business Press, 2003.8
3. Research and Planning on Option Market of Finance and Future (Co-Editor), Economic and Management Publishing House, 2010.1
4. Legal Practicing of Futures (Co-Editor), Law Press﹒China, 1998
5. Securities Law (Co-Editor), Tsinghua University Press, 2010
Ⅱ. Articles
1. Comparative Analysis on Domestic Legislation of Investment in Science and Technology, Science of Science and Management of S&T, No.8, 2006.
2. An Analysis of Legal Dilemma of Developing Financial Derivatives in China, Law Science Magazine, No.4, 2008
3. Legal Regulations Needed by Debt - for – Equity, Law Science Magazine, No.3, 2005
4. Corporate Governance and Protection of Small Investors, Academic Journals of Tianjin University, No.3, 2006
5. An Analysis of Security Crime and Solutions, Academic Journals of Tianjin University, No.4, 2003