MA Daoshan

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MA Daoshan




Ma Daoshan, male, professor of English at School of Foreign Languages, Tianjin Polytechnic University. He graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages, Shandong University in July, 1987, and in Oct. 2007 he was employed as a professor of linguistics. He has published 65 papers in various kinds of academic journals, 36 translated articles, and 4 monographs: An Outline of English and Chinese Linguistics, An Outline of English and Chinese Syntax, An Introductiion to Linguistics, and The Syntactic Studies of Interrogative Sentences in the West and Their Deficiencies, edited 3 books of collected papers, attended 23 academic forums and read 23 articles in the panel sessions. He is a member of the editorial board of English Language Teaching, Studies in Literature and Language, and Annals of Literature and Language. He has hosted and fulfilled a key research project and two research programs at the provincial level. His proposal of four types of natural languages and wh-feature attraction hypothesis is well received. His academic interest is in syntax and comparative study of English and Chinese language.