Dr. SONG Guozhi
(PhD.Lon, MSc with Distinction, MEng)
Dr. Guozhi SONG received the BEng degree in Computer Science and Technology from Harbin Institute of Technology, and both his MSc and PhD degrees from the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary, University of London. He is currently an Associate Professorand the Head of Department with the Departmentof Networks in the School of Computer Science and Software at Tianjin Polytechnic University in China.He has published over 100 international papers.
2.Research direction and academic achievements
Research direction:
His research interests are in the areas of next Wireless Sensor Networks,Networks-on-Chip and Heterogeneous Network Integration.
Academic achievements:
As the 1st Author of over 10 Invention Patents
As a Keynote Speaker 2014 for Symposium on Computer Applications and Communications (SCAC 2014),
As the Organising and Publishing Chair for The 4th Symposium on Parallel Architecture, Algorithms and Programming (PAAP 2011)
As the Organising and Publishing Chair for IEEE International Conference onComputer and Information Application (ICCIA 2010)
Academic awards:
Award for 2015 HongKong Sang Ma Trust Fund Scholarship for Teachers
Award for 2014 “Role Models of TJPU”
3.Teaching and achievements
Course teaching:
Computer Networks, Wireless Networks, Advanced Network Technologies
Teaching research:
As the principal investigator of over 10 Teaching Reform Research Projects
Compilation of teaching materials:
As the chapter author of Mobility Management and Quality-of-Service for Heterogeneous Networks, River Publishers, March 2009.(ISBN: 9-788792-329202)
Teaching achievement:
As the head of teachers’ group for course “Computer Networks for International Students”
4.Representative paper
1.Yue Ma,Guozhi Song and Dakun Zhang,' Study on Three-Dimensional Network mapping algorithm based on improved simulated annealing. ' [J]. Journal of zhengzhou university(Version of technology), 2017, 38(5): 863-870.
2.D. Zhang, C. Huang and Guozhi Song,: 'ANovelMapping Algorithm for Three-Dimensional Network on Chip based on Quantum-behaved Particle Swarm Optimization', Frontiers of Computer Science, (ISSN: 2095-2228),vol.11(3), pp.1-10, 2017,DOI: 10.1007/s11704-016-5196-0(SCI journals,IF=0.298,WOS:000322390700003)
3.Guozhi Song,Chen Wang and Yao Tu,'Based on PRIM initial population, a low power consumption map of the Three-Dimensional Network is selected based on the optimized genetic algorithm. ' [J]. Computer application, 2017, 37(1): 90-96.
4.Dakun Zhang,C. Huangand Guozhi Song. 'A research on Three-Dimensional Network. ' [J]. Journal of software,2016, 27(1): 155-187
5.Dakun Zhang,Guozhi Song,Huazhou Lin and Shuxia Reng. 'Secondary improved genetic algorithm and 3D NoC low power consumption mapping. ' [J]. Computer research and development,2016, 58(4): 921-931
6.Guozhi Song,Yao Tu,Dakun Zhang,Yuebo Weng,' An improved simulated annealing and particle swarm hybrid algorithm for network layout is used. ' [J]. Computer engineering and science, 2016, 38(5): 863-870.
7.Cui Huang, Dakun Zhang and Guozhi Song, 'Low power mapping algorithm for three dimensional network-on-chip based on diversity-controlled quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization', Journal of Algorithm & Computational Technology, 2015, 9, 1155-1164. (ISSN: 1874-110X)
8.Guozhi Song, Dayuan Tam, Dongyang Liao, Qianshen Lee and Rundong Lee, '3D Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on DCP and VRT', ESTC 2015, CCIS 572, pp. 58-67, 2015
9.Guozhi Song, Ruofei Xing, YongzhenKe and Jigang Wu, 'Performance Analysis of WiMAX/WLAN Interworking Networks with Asymmetric Hotspot Layout', 2015 National Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (NCTCS 2015), Jinhua, Zhejiang, 30 October -1 November, 2015
10.D. Zhang, C. Huang and Guozhi Song,: 'Free Triplet Conjecture and Equivalence Classes Derived Using Group Theory', Open Biotechnology Journal, 2015, 9(1):216-220
11.Guozhi Song, Dakun Zhang, Cui Huang and Lianlian Wang, 'An Improved Algorithm for 3D NoC Floorplanning Based on Particle Swarm Optimization of Nesting Simulated Annealing', The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal, 2015, 9, 1155-1164. (ISSN: 1874-110X)
12.Dakun Zhang, Guozhi Song, Lianlian Wang and Cui Huang, 'Research on Improved Algorithm for 3D NoC Floorplanning Based on Particle Swarm Optimization', The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal, 2015, 9, 1145-1154. (ISSN: 1874-110X)
13.Guozhi Song,Dakun Zhang,J.Ma,Y. Tu and C.liu,' Study on the supergraph partitioning algorithm of network layout optimization on heterogeneous 3D NoC ' [J]. Computer science and exploration, 2016, 10(6): 811-821.
14.Guozhi Song and Dayuan Tam, 'An Improved Weighted Centroid DV-hopLocalization Algorithm for WSNs', 12th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2015), August 10-14, 2015, Beijing, China.
15.Wenwen Liu, Guozhi Song and Jigang Wu, 'An Improved Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm with Predatory Search Strategy in Cellular Networks', 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced and Trusted Computing (ATC 2015), August 10-14, 2015, Beijing, China.
16.Dakun Zhang,Guozhi Song,Lian Wang,C. Huang, 'A reasearch topological structure on 3D NoC. ' [J]. Computer science and exploration, 2015, 9(2): 129-164.
17.Guozhi Song and Dayuan Tam, 'Two Novel DV-Hop Localization Algorithms for Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks', International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Research Article, vol.2015, Article ID 187670, 9 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/176598, (ISSN: 1085-3375), 2015(SCI journals,IF=0.923)
18.Guozhi Song,Dakun Zhang,Y. Tu,C. Huang,Lian Wang,' An improved algorithm for 3D NoC optimization based on particle swarm optimization.'', Computer science,2015, 42(7): 114-117.
19.Wen Liu,Guozhi Song,X.Sun and J.Xue,'Research on the location of cellular network mobile terminal based on MCL algorithm ', Small and micro computer systems, 2015, 36(1): 54-59.
20.Guozhi Song, Dayuan Tam, Yongjiang Xue and Botao Liu, 'RDV-Hop Localization Algorithm for Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Network', 2014 International Conference on Frontier of Internet of Things (FIT 2014), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 4-6 December, 2014, pp.190-195
21.Zheng Zhang, Yan Guo and Guozhi Song, 'A Distributed Face Recognition Framework Based on Data Fusion', International Journal of Data Base and Application, Vol.7, No.4 (2014), pp.87-98. (ISSN: 2005-4270)
22.Zheng Zhang, Guozhi Song and Jigang Wu, 'A novel two-stage illumination estimation framework for expression recognition', The Scientific World Journal, Research Article, vol.2014, Article ID 565389, 12 pages, doi:10.1155/8086/565389, (ISSN: 1537-744X), 2014(SCI journals,IF=1.730)
23.Xingang Li, Yuemin Wang, Guozhi Song, Xiaodan Sun and Xiaoyu Sun, ' Research on Detection Sensitivity Based on Wave Structure of Lamb Wave', FENDT2013-Proceedings of 2013 Far East Forum on Nondestructive Evaluation/Testing: New Technology and Application, vol. 330, pp.172-176, Ji’an, China, June, 2013.
24.Xingang Li, Qiang Chen, Shuhua Chen, Yuemin Wang, Guozhi Song, 'Damage Identification Research for Steel Plate Based on Lamb Wave', Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 330, pp.225-230, June, 2013.
25.F.Gao, X. Sun, Guozhi Song, Jun.Pan:’A new wireless sensor network node optimized deployment method’, Computer and digital engineering,vol. 41(11),pp.1791-1794,2013(ISSN:1672-9722)
26.Lian.Wang,Dakun Zhang,Guozhi Song:’Study on network routing algorithm on three - dimension tablets’,Small and micro computer systems,vol. 36(10),pp.2033-2040,2013(ISSN:1000-1220)
27.Z.Chen,J. Wu,Guozhi Song,Liang. Chen:’ NodeRank:An efficient software and hardware division’ ,Computer journal,vol. 36(10),pp.2033-2040,2013(ISSN:0254-4164)
28.D. Zhang, Y. Lin and Guozhi Song, 'Classification Formula and Generation Algorithm of Cycle Decomposition Expression for Dihedral Groups', Abstract and Applied Analysis, Research Article, vol.2013, Article ID 176598, 8 pages, doi:10.1155/2013/176598, (ISSN: 1085-3375), 2013(SCI journals,IF=1.318,WOS: 000315906600001)
29.Guozhi Song, B. Yang, X. Li and Y. Liu, 'A New Transmission Control System for High-Speed Intermittent Motion Vertical Form/Fill/Seal Packaging Machines', PEECT 2012, pp. 555-558, Yichang, China, December, 2012.
30.T. Xiao,Guozhi Song,L. Yang,,J. Wu:'The influence of user movement parameters on the transboundary rate in cellular network. ',Computer applications and software,29(11),pp.24-28,2012(ISSN:1000-386x)
31.Guozhi Song, L. Yang, J. Wu and J. Schormans: 'Performance Comparisons between Cellular-Only and Cellular/WLAN Integrated Systems based on Analytical Models', Frontiers of Computer Science, (ISSN: 2095-2228),vol.7(4), pp.486-495, 2013,DOI: 10.1007/s11704-013-2198-z(SCI journals,IF=0.298,WOS:000322390700003)
32.Guozhi Song, J. Wu, J. Schormans, and Laurie Cuthbert: 'Erlang’s Fixed-Point Approximation for Performance Analysis of HetNets', Journal of Applied Mathematics, Approximation Theory Focus Issue, vol.2012, Article ID 862809, 13 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/862809, (ISSN: 1110-757X), 2012(SCI journals,IF=0.656,WOS:000304964500001)
33.Guozhi Song, J. Wu, J. Schormans, L. Yang, andL. Cuthbert: 'A Performance Study of Hierarchical Heterogeneous Wireless Integrated Networks', Journal of Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 2S,pp. 497-504,2012. (ISSN: 1935-0090)(SCI检索期刊,IF=0.642,WOS:000309327700023)