SUN Liankun 孙连坤

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PolytechnicSUN Liankunwas born in Tianjin, China, in 1979.He received the M.S. degree in Control Theory and Control Engineering from Tiangong University, Tianjin, China, in2005, and the Ph.D. degree in Control Theory and Control Engineering from the Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 2009. In March 2009, he joined Tiangong University, where he is currently an associate professor. His currentresearch interests include analysis and synthesis of networkedcontrol systems, Petri net theory and application,social computing.


[1]顾鸿儒,孙连坤. 基于层次颜色Petri网的交通紧急调度算法与建模.计算机工程与应用.2016, Vol.52, No.16, pp: 261-270

(Gu hong-ru, SUN Lian-kun.Traffic emergency scheduling algorithm and modeling based on hierarchical color Petri net. Computer engineering and application. 2016, Vol.52, No.16, pp: 261-270)

[2]Liankun S, Hongru G.The Structure-conserving Module for Network Control System Based on Petri Nets. Chinese Control and Decision Conference,CCDC,2016,pp: 2602-2606. (EI:20163602766254)

[3]顾鸿儒,孙连坤. 基于层次颜色Petri网的感应控制交通信号灯建模与仿真.计算机工程与科学.Vol.38, No.9, pp: 1887-1893, 2016.

(Gu hong-ru, SUN Lian-kun.Modeling and simulation of full-sensitive control traffic lights signal based on hierarchical colored petri net.Computer engineering and science. Vol.38, No.9, pp: 1887-1893, 2016.)

[4]Liankun S, Hongru G. Component-oriented modeling of Networked Control Systems based On CTPN.Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 2015. IEEE, 2015: 208-211.(EI:20162002378812)

[5]Liankun Sun, JigangWu.Schedule and control co-design for networked control systems with bandwidth constraints.Journal of the Franklin Institute Vol.351, pp: 1042–1056, 2014(SCI:293LJ)

[6]孙连坤,万振凯,张桂玲.不确定网络控制系统保成本观测器设计.兵工学报, 32卷,第6期,775-780页,2011, EI20113014176278

(SUN Lian-kun, WAN Zhen-kai, ZHANG Gui-lingGuaranteed Cost Observer Design for Uncertain Networked Control Systems.Acta Armamentarii,Vol.32,No.6.pp:775-780,2011)

[7]孙连坤,万振凯,张桂玲. 具有随机通信逻辑的网络控制系统稳定性分析. 控制与决策, 25卷,第9期,1302-1306页,2010,EI20104313334518

(SUN Lian-kun, WAN Zhen-kai, ZHANG Gui-ling. Stability for Networked Control Systems with Stochastic Communication Logic. Journal of Control and Decision,Vol.25,No.9,pp:1302-1306,2010)

[8]SUN Lian-kun, ZHAO Zhan-shan, WAN Zhen-kai. Guaranteed Cost Control of Networked Control Systems with Send-on-delta Transmission Method. 30th Chinese Control Conference, pp: 4609-4612, Yantai, 2011.July22-24. (EI: 20113914368585)

[9] SUN Lian-kun, WAN Zhen-kai, ZHANG Gui-ling .LQG control design for a class of MIMO networked control system. 29th Chinese Control Conference. pp: 3822-3826, Beijing, 2010.July.29-31, (EI: 20105113504454)

[10]Sun Lian-kun, Wan Zhen-kai, Zhang Gui-ling. Structural properties and stabilization analysis of networked control system. 8th World Congress Intelligent Control and Automation, pp4395-4399shandong2010.July.6-9( EI:20104313324906)

[11]SUN Lian-kun, ZHAO Zhan-shan, WAN Zhen-kai, DING Gang.Controller design of model-based networked control systems. 2010 International Conference on Computer and Information Application, pp: 125-128, Tianjin, 2010. November, 2-4, (EI: 20120814790967)

Research funding:

Co-design of networked control systems under resource constraints .This work is supported

by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61403278)