Guang Han

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Guang Han


School of life sciences

Tel: +86 18522089388



Guang Han, male, lecturer, born in 1987, majored in Biomedical Enginnering in School of Precision Instrument and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, and got a bachelor degree in engineering in 2010; In 2011, he majored in Biomedical Enginnering in School of Precision Instrument and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Tianji University, and got master and doctor degree in engineering. In 2017, he became a lecturer at the Tianjin Polytechnic University.

Courses taught:

1Engineering Optics
Biomedical Photonics

Research Fields:

1. Spectral and Chemometric Analysis
 2. Optical Information Detection of Human Tissues


1. Floating reference position-based correction method for near-infrared spectroscopy in long-term glucose concentration monitoring.Journal of Biomedical Optics2017, 22(7):77001.

2. Preliminary Clinical Validation of a Differential Correction Method for Improving Measurement Accuracy in Noninvasive Measurement of Blood Glucose Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy, 2017, 71(9):3702816685335.

3. Determination of the reference position in the near-infrared non-invasive blood glucose measurement in vivo. Proceedings of the Spie, 2016, 24:100242S.
