TAN Xiaoyao

The publisher:管理员Delivery time:2019-07-27Views:192

TAN Xiaoyao, Professor of Tianjin Municipal city, Doctoral Supervisor, Visiting Scholar of Sherbrooke University in Canada and Curtin University in Australia, Visiting Researcher of Royal College of Engineering, Editorial Board of Journal of Membrane and Separation Technology. At present, he is mainly engaged in the research of inorganic membrane materials, catalytic membrane reactor, fuel cell, gas purification and other fields. He has presided over over more than 20 projects such as 863 national projects, National Natural Science Foundation of China and international cooperation projects. He has published more than 200 SCI papers in well-known journals such as AIChE J., Chem. Eng. Sci., J. Membrane Sci., J. Power Sources, etc. in the fields of chemical engineering, materials and energy. They have been cited more than 4000 times, factor H 32, and have been selected in Elsevier's list of highly cited Chinese scholars in the field of chemical Engineering in 2014 and 2015.Also he has  Published or edited 8 academic monographs.Of the 26 authorized invention patents by him, 7 were transferred, and 1 was awarded the Second Prize for Scientific Invention of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has delivered more than 20 reports on conferences at home and abroad. The impregnated activated carbon desulfurizer and ceramic hollow fiber membrane with independent intellectual property rights have been developed and industrialized, and have been successfully applied in many enterprises.


Main research fields:


Preparation and characterization of inorganic membrane materials and their application in chemical separation and reaction.


Catalytic Reaction Engineering: Catalyst Engineering Design, Membrane Reactor, Chemical Process Intensification;


Fuel cell technology: ceramic electrolyte material synthesis, solid oxide fuel cell preparation, direct methanol fuel cell;


Environmental Chemical Industry: Gas Desulfurization and Denitrification; Industrial Wastewater Treatment


Contact: 15902212075; Fax: 86-22-83955663


Email: tanxiaoyao@tiangong.edu.cn; cestanxy@aliyun.com