Important Activities&Events

The publisher:管理员Delivery time:2019-07-27Views:192


I. Important Activities



                          2018-8-31 Orientation Ceremony 2018 for all TGU freshmen



2018-9-7 Performance Party for 60th Anniversary Celebration & Award Ceremony for TGU’s Inspirational Role Models



2019-3-28 Graduate Graduation Ceremony and Degree Confer Ceremony 2019


II. Featured Activities




2018-10-21Robot Competition For College Students (Tianjin Division) held in Tiangong University



2019-5-23 A teacher-student chorus celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China



2019-5-30 “Love Motherland, Love Striving” propaganda group of Nankai University entering into Tiangong University


2019-5-30 Graduation Design Competition for Major of Clothing and Costume Design